

1204 Uppsatser om Forest Remains - Sida 1 av 81

Natur som kultur : och betydelsen av dess berättelser

Is there such a thing as unadulterated nature? All that surrounds us is culturally modified by man somewhere along our past. But culture is only a fictitious conception itself, created in an attempt to break the world into controllable objects.So in what do we find culture? In everything? In the objects or the stories they embrace? Who chooses what?s worth saving and how to save? Choosing what is culture is made from personal, ingrained dichotomies of what?s important and what is not. A selective eye creates a distorted truth, which could have unintentional long-term effects.This thesis will give a historical account of the archaeological discipline?s development in tending to our cultural heritage.

Enkätundersökning hos markägare inom SCA Skog Ångermanlands Skogsförvaltning

This report is a joint venture with SCA Forest, Ångermanlands forest man-agement area. The purpose of the study is that SCA Forest wants to know what the landowners in Ångermanlands forest management area think about SCA Forest and who they deliver their timber to. SCA Forest is the largest private landowner in Europe, with an area of about 2.6 million hectares. Today, SCA offers lumber, wood products, tis-sue and packaging and has factories all over the world. SCA Forest has five forest management areas in the north of Sweden, with the headquarters in Sundsvall. A questionnaire was sent to 265 landowners, where they had to answer 15 questions with possibilities to give comments. The survey was sent out on 21 of February with a response requested by 3 of March 125 landowners responded to the survey, giving a response rate of 47%.

Hur väl skogsägare följer åtgärdsförslagen i skogsbruksplanen : en enkätundersökning

This rapport is about how often private forest owners follow the measures proposed in their forest management plan. The survey is made in cooperation with the forest-owners association Norrskog. The private forest owners are relatively satisfied with the forest management plans and with the measures proposed. There are some differences between those who live on or near their property and those who live many miles away. The forest owners who live on their property are those who follow the proposed measure of precommercial thinning to the largest extent. That group also values precommercially thinned stands higher than thinned stands. The complete opposite is the case for the group that lives far away from their property. Almost all of the respondents thought that the forest management plan would be or had been a good help in the decision making about the forest..

Enkätundersökning om skogsägare inom Norrskogs upptagningsområde

The purpose of this report is to find out what different preferences forest owners have in the region where Norrskog have their operation area, what they prefer and think about Norrskog. The purpose is also to compare some of the questions to a similar study that was made in 2008. The study is made in cooperation with Norrskog which is a forest owner cooperative. Norrskog has about 13 000 members which is about half of all forest owners in the region. To get the answers from the forest owners, questionnaires were sent out by mail. 371 were sent out and 102 came back. There were more members of Norrskog that responded than it was nonmembers. The results indicate that the forest owners have long term perspectives, their priorities are to nurse the forest so they can get the profit later on.

Kusten är klar : en undersökning av Gotlands bronsåldersstrandlinje i GIS

In this bachelor thesis an attempt is made to recreate the shoreline of Gotland during the Bronze Age. This has been done with the help of GIS to analyze remains dated to different periods of the Bronze Age that have been situated close to the coast. Case studies of three areas of the island have been made where dated remains together with typical Bronze Age remains like cairns and ship settings are analyzed with variables such as height over sea level and geological and topographical information. Contemporary datings from each case study have been compared to find a possible shoreline for both early and late Bronze Age. Two shorelines, one for the early Bronze Age and one for the late Bronze Age, have been created and tested on the three areas to see the placement of the remains in relation to these coastlines..

Enkätundersökning om rådgivningen kring skogsbruksplaner utförda av Norra Skogsägarna

This rapport is based on a survey that was sent to 196 randomly selected forest owners, who during 2013 ordered a forest management plan from Norra Skogsägarna. The purpose was to examine how forest owners experienced advice given by an inspector based on their forest management plan..

Skogsägarenas inställning till markberedning i västra Värmland

According to a press release from the Swedish forest agency in May 2014, western Värmland has the worst regenerations of forest result in the whole of Sweden. The scarification frequency is low in the area. AB Hilmer Andersson want´s to know if the private forest owners want to scarify more than is done today. Good regeneration is important for private forest owners so they can have a long term forest management and economics of their forests. This academic study is done as an opinion poll. The purpose of the study is to see how big the interest of scarification among the private forest owner is.

Enkätundersökning till medlemmar i Västra Värmland och Dals Skogsägareförening

On behalf has a questionnaire been conducted with the aim to find out the members opinion regarding the management of the association. The survey showed that association has a strong position locally and that the forest owners generally are satisfied with the management and the competence among the forest super visors. The main opinion is that the association can improve the communication with the forest owners before as well as after the sale of forest products..

Andraspråksutveckling i den mångkulturella förskolan

This thesis deals with two types of agrarian remains in relation to settlement remains; clearance cairns, low stone walls and house terraces in the area of Northeastern Uppland and the area north of Lake Mälaren, during the middle Iron Age. The aim whit this thesis is trying to get a better understanding of the relation between agrarian and settlement remains in Uppland. Three places have been chosen where these three elements are present and they are interpreted through Richard Whites concept of middle ground but also Landesque capital. The three elements have shown to be expressed in different ways in all three sites. It is possible to see two areas with different traditions, but also to see two areas that closely interact with each other, this opens up for a new discussion around agrarian remains in both areas.

Enkätundersöking om vad privata skogsägare vill se på en skoglig aktörs hemsida

This degree projects made on behalf of AB Karl Hedin to find out what private forest estate owners would like to have on a forestry-related website. The reason for finding out what estate owners think of the forest websites is to meet needs of the forest owners who are customers of AB Karl Hedin. Marketing and use of the Internet for information search for products and services are two key concepts in this study. To be able to perform the study, a telephone survey was made to find out what estate owners want and what they are missing on a forest site. The survey can be summarized at following conclusion: The marketing of AB Karl Hedin website must be stronger The forest owners want more information on forest business, prices and forestry services.

Enskilda skogsägares mål på avdelningsnivå ? en kvalitativ studie

Half of Sweden's productive forest land is owned by individual forest owners. Research studies show that forest owners have more objectives with their forest than a high net present value, and that the suggestions of the forest management plans doesn?t always correspond to the forest owners? objectives. Through a qualitative study we conducted a discussion about objectives at stand level with the aim of making a more specific formulation of the forest owners? objectives. We asked about the forest owners' objectives at stand level, what forest management they conduct in order to achieve the objectives and how this management affects the net present value of the property. Based on the results of the interviews, we analyzed what kind of factors decide where the objectives place themselves in the landscape and if the objectives at stand level are consistent with the overall objectives for the property. Many forest owners questioned the idea of talking about objectives at stand level, and they didn?t always have their objectives clearly defined.

Markägares val av skogspartner :

Derome Skog AB is a purchase company whose main task is to provide Derome Timber's sawmills in Halland with timber raw material. Because of the very hard competition in the roundwood market it is important to know what kind of purchase offers are required in order to buy a valuable product from forest owners.This study aims to elucidate the crucial factors when private forest owners choose to harvest and sell their forest. As base for this study, a questionnaire has been performed with private forest owners. The result of the study shows that it is not particularly often that the timber price is the crucial factor why the forest owners choose to harvest and sell the forest products; i.e. timber, pulpwood as well as energy assortments.

Lågstadieelevers tankar om skogen : Närmiljöns och skolans betydelse

AbstractThe subject of this paper is children?s thoughts and feelings about the forest and on the importance of the schools for their students? thoughts. The aim of this paper is to find out if there are any attitude differences towards the forest in schools in the city and in the countryside. To fulfil this purpose the work has been divided into two questions,1 Do children have different thoughts about the forest, depending on where they live?2 Does the school affect their students? thoughts about the forest?Two schools with different locations in the country have been visited.

Kinas intåg på skogsvarumarknaden : idag och i framtiden

Because of the large economic growth in China there are many companies who have economic interests in the Chinese market. Also in the forest market companies have started to invest in China and the interest for the market is growing. The question is how the Chinese forest market will develop in the years to come? How will China?s entry on the market of forest products affect the global forest market? The purposes of this study are to describe production, consumption and trade of forest products, and China?s possible competitive advantage in the forest industry. The purpose of this study is also to describe how China?s entry on the forest market affects the world market of forest products.

Biologisk mångfald och skogsproduktion : -en målkonflikt i skogen?

The purpose of this work, has been to examine how different actors in the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry looks at Sweden?s forest policy statement, which claims that environmental goals and production goals should be equal in Swedish forestry. By assembling focusgroups with participants from the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry, we look at if these participants consider the Swedish forest policy goals equal or not. Conflicts do occur between the two forest policy goals, but also between those and others of Sweden?s environmental goals.

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